Thursday, July 23, 2009


Nutella is Alvin and Albert's favorite spread now! Albert loves it for his afternoon snacks and Alvin for dessert(spread or fruit dip) after dinner.

Nutella is the third most popular Facebook page on the planet. It's the brand name of a hazelnut-based sweet spread registered by the Italian company Ferrero at the end of 1963. The recipe was developed from an earlier Ferrero's spread released in 1949. And now marketed in across the globe.

Nutrition Facts:
Nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread that contains quality ingredients such as skim milk and a hint of cocoa. Nutella® spread on whole wheat bread, or any multigrain product, with orange juice or skim milk is a good combination for a balanced breakfast that the entire family will enjoy. Nutella contains no artificial colors or preservatives.

Allergy Fact:
Nutella is generally not recommended for people with an allergy to nuts.
Nutella is also not recommended for people with milk allergy or lactose intolerance because of its skimmed milk and whey content.

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